Towel Camouflage

  • 457.74 CZK
  • 274.64 CZK
In Stock
Article Number: 0604

Towel Camouflage.

With our large sized and soft smooth microfibre camouflage towel in your travel gear you get a fast drying and eye-catching hygiene product. Great as a camp towel, it will also function as a pillow or as a beach towel.

Unlike other synthetic towels that does not soak up the water but rather just pushes it around this will work more like a cotton towel and soak the water but dry faster.

The towel has a large looped flatband as hanger and this together with the light grey colored label  they could both be used for personal markings like name etc with a marking pen.

The towel has a almost fleece feeling to it so it is really soft when using  on then body.
Wash the camo towel in the washing machine just like any other sportswear 40 - 60 degrees Celsius.

Fabric: Polyester Microfiber
Size: 140x70 cm

Note: The camo print on the white fiber fabric may have small spots / fields where the fibers at the time of print either was in another direction or if small residue fibers was on top and will then be shaken off taking the color with it leaving a min non colored suface. If you are looking for absolute 100% camo print you should now about this matter and with this text the product is considered ok with the possiblity of small dots .