Medic Red Cross PVC Hook Patch

  • 6,37 €
In Stock
Article Number: 0509

Our Large (9 x 9 cm) Medic Red Cross PVC patch comes with full hook backing for easy "on and off".
This patch is more thin than usual PVC patches which makes it more suitable for clothes but also makes it more vulnerable for wear and tear.
Each patch comes with a matching loop piece in black color.

Because of the white colored area is somewhat easily tainted i have found the patch to be cleanable with soap etc which is one benefit of PVC type patches, but note that the PVC fabric does not react good to ink and even used in the field where dirt, black coal mixed with water etc can misscolor the white fabric forever.

Note that the usage of this type of symbol-patch is controlled by law, you can read more here:
Vi lämnar fritt till kund att ansvara för att betydelsen i detta tygmärke ej utarmas genom att missbrukas, utan att de lagar och förordningar som gäller följs.
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